Category Archives: Online Education

Online Education Ripping Through Traditional Education

The Dish, Stanford University

The Dish, Stanford University (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

That’s right. The impact online education has put on the minds of students across the world has left behind the idea of traditional education. Traditional education didn’t offer much besides just a qualification but whereas if we talk about online education, a drastic increase in the online enrollment by students across the world has been noticed.

Seeing this improvement and the increasing demand of online courses and college/university programs, Coursera was formed.

Coursera is basically an online portal for students, more like an online university that is offering online courses to students around the world. It was founded by the two renowned scientists from the Stanford University named Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller. Coursera is working with different universities to help facilitate the students around the world with the idea of providing quality and affordable education. Some of its courses are free for the large number of students out there. A marginal number of students enrolled for their first program which has indeed break the record in the world of education regardless of it being online and offline.

Coursera was launched a bit later after the launch of Udacity which is another online education provider. It solely works for generating profits whereas if we talk about Coursera, it doesn’t. Similar to this is edX which is a non-profit online education venture as well. Seeing the trend of online education going rocket lately, such measures have been taken to make it easier for students to continue their education and get credits and qualification of the same sort, of the same power and potential to help them find a good job.

Author’s bio: Jared Morrison is quite a renowned education, business and tech analyst. He has been contributing the blog world with his profound ideas and research work in association with a partner website essay writing services and help.

You Too Can Have Access to Quality Online Education

Online education and Financial Aid

Online education and Financial Aid (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Online education is making it possible for students from across the world to have access to the same form of quality education that is available to their colleagues in the developed world. By relying on the internet administered educational program, students can take lessons from highly trained professors based in institutions that are several miles away from where the student is located. Online education also makes it possible for students to have access to a wider range of resources needed to assist them to complete their program of study. Online education is responsible for changing the face of the educational sector. It is accredited with helping students to obtain fast degrees at a much reduced cost. But the achievements of online education cannot be talked about without mentioning the impact it has had in helping to ease pressure on the existence facilities at the campus based institutions.

It is estimated that in the next 5 to 10 years there will hardly be a job opening that will not ask for one form of academic qualification or the other. As a matter of fact, the majority of job openings we have today make it explicitly clear that they require degree holders to fill up those positions.

Increase numbers mean increase pressure

The changing trend in the job market has made it necessary for job seekers to adapt to these changes in order to fit in. For this reason, a lot of people are looking for ways by which they can upgrade their skills to fit into the changing trend of the job market. This, together with the increase in the world’s population, has caused a rise in the number of people who seek university degrees. However, the increase in the number of degree seekers has not been matched by a corresponding increase in infrastructure at the various campus based universities. In order to relieve the pressure off the traditional universities, the online educational system is being supported to act as a suitable alternative to the traditional system.

The online educational platform is also to help cut down on the number of people that are rejected by the various colleges for one reason or the other each academic year. Those students who are unable to enter into college due to the high level of competition that exists between students for the few available places can enroll with an online university from which they can receive high quality education.

In the same way, those who have problems financing the cost of college education (which is known to be on the ascendency due to continuous cuts in government funding) as well as those who are unable to enroll into their preferred universities due to travelling restrictions have the option of online education. From the time it was pioneered, online education has successfully assisted a lot of students with diverse educational needs to acquire various academic degrees. There are people who have successfully utilized the online education system to work their way up the degree ladder from the bachelor’s degree level right up to the doctorate degree.

Jarred Morrison is a high school principal who is concerned with the growing number of students who are rejected by colleges and seeking for life experience degree programs.